(Opinion) A Plea to the Media: Just the Facts Man

Detective Joe Friday (portrayed by Jack Webb in the 1950’s television series, “Dragnet”) had a phrase that he’d repeat when interviewing someone; “Just the Facts.” Just the facts appears to be a recurring theme in our community submissions. It seems that people are getting more and more tired of left/right news, and are seeking, “just the facts.”

(Opinion) Overwhelmed by the Media

The news is the news, the facts should not change depending on which news outlet you chose to follow. Today most, “news,” is actually commentary. Everything seems to be designed to get a rise out of you, keep you either scared or angry, because that generates clicks which drive revenue.

Federalist No. 10

For Madison, the first objective of government was to protect liberty, so removing the cause of factions, which is liberty, would be antithetical to the purpose government. Thus, the remedy for factions would need to be the control of the effects of factions, which could be most appropriately achieved through a Republican Government.

George Floyd: A Seemingly Indefensible Case for Force

There is nothing good about the case involving George Floyd. Police were called to the scene because a store owner reported that Mr. Floyd was highly intoxicated and paid for his purchase with fake currency. Neither of those alleged offenses are violent offenses. Floyd was in the driver's seat of the vehicle when officers arrived on scene. From the video that we have there is no indication that Mr. Floyd was resisting arrest, and the officers acknowledged that Mr. Floyd appeared to be in medical distress. Just from what is known right now, there seems to be no evidence that the restraint technique employed by (former) Officer Derek Chauvin was warranted, which could make him criminally liable for Mr. Floyd's death.

Federalist No. 9

The States were not relinquishing their sovereignty to a Federal government; instead, they were ceding certain powers to a Federal government that would be composed of Representatives and Senators accountable to the electorate and legislators of the States from which they came.

Liberty and Safety

It is not better to be safe than free. In the world of liberty, the consequences you suffer, either good or bad, are generally a result of your action or inaction. In a world of safety, the consequences of other’s action or inaction are suffered by you.

Federalist No. 7

For Hamilton, it was clear, the States united under one, limited government, stood the best chance of survival against threats from abroad, and from internal dissensions. The central government, to whom the public debt would fall, with whom the authority to mitigate territorial disputes, and by whom interstate commerce would be regulated, gave the States a uniform structure within to operate, and mitigated possibilities of internal altercations.